Here you have some of the most important makeup work in our history.
The TCT Awards are a photo contest for photographers organized by THE CODE TEAM. Our offices receive hundreds of collections and press kits every year. The TCT Awards’ mission is to provide notoriety to professional makeup artist in photography and their work in fashion.
The collections are judged by a group of fashion hairdresser and makeup artist experts.
TCT AWARDS 2017-2018 has already begun and you have until the 1st of September of this year to send your fashion collections. Each year, more and more makeupartist from all over the world participate in this event, with a total recount of one hundred and fifty contestants from eighteen countries in lasts year’s edition.
This year, the TCT AWARDS 2017-2018 CEREMONY will be celebrated during the LIVE 018 makeup artist and hairdressing event, which will take place on the 3rd of November, in the amazing island of Gran Canaria (Spain).
If you’re Makeup Artist , it’s easy to participate in this event: just send an email with your collection to before the 1st of September, 2018, with your credits and the name of your collection, with the email marked as “ TCT Awards 2018".
Thiaggo Cámara Makeup Artist ( Winner 2017 )
Alberto Dugarte Makeup Artist ( Winner 2015 & 2016)
Yely Rodriguez Makeup Artist
Graftobian (De María & Lolita) Edition CBSHOW 013
I.C.O.N. TEAM Makeup Artist
The Winners of each category will have the honour to participate in the next LIVE FASION HAIR edition.
The organizers will take care of the following expenses so the winners can attend the opening ceremony of the event: Plane ticket, hotel and models (models will be provided in the destination).
The winners will also have access to a team of hair, make-up and styling assistants for their show.
In this new edition of Live018, it’ll be possible to share the stage with the selected artists of this new edition of the event.
Send your photos to before the 1st of September 2018.